The Kiss Goodbye

The Kiss Goodbye

The Kiss Goodbye is the last episode of our Orlando podcast, The Orlando Local Show. After some deliberation, we discovered there is a very simple reason why it’s time to end the show. The Kiss Goodbye to Our Podcast If you listened to our show, you know that we stopped our podcast toward the end…

Replay: Orlando Myths, Misconceptions and Ugly Truths for International Visitors

Replay: Orlando Myths, Misconceptions and Ugly Truths for International Visitors

Orlando Myths Replay This is a replay of a previous episode. We Address Some Orlando Myths and Misconceptions Is IHOP really the best place for breakfast? Should you spend part of your vacation in Orlando shopping at Walmart? Are there secret police waiting to arrest jaywalkers on International Drive? While my answer would be “No”…

Our Top 9 Restaurants at Walt Disney World - Rebroadcast

Our Top 9 Restaurants at Walt Disney World – Rebroadcast

Our Top 9 Restaurants in Walt Disney World – Rebroadcast Thanks for listening to The Orlando Local Show. Our family enjoyed a nice Easter break, but that put a dent in our podcast production schedule. So I called an audible and decided to re-broadcast our episode about our top 9 restaurants at Walt Disney World. You…

Peace Out 2016

Peace Out 2016

Time to Peace Out 2016! Thank you for listening to The Orlando Local Show. It’s almost the New Year and time to Peace Out 2016. We launched The Orlando Local Show this year and it’s been a wonderful experience. We appreciate you and the responses we’ve received since starting the show. Over the past few…